From the parking head south and follow the Cristol torrent,head towards the obvious gorge but don’t enter it, instead head west and follow roughly the steep summer path , to where the ground levels out at 2092M. From there head south and to the east of a large rock face, once past this turn west and you should see the bowl in front of you, head in to the bowl and the corner with the south east facing slope,you climb up to a small rock col.
Ski the steepest section of the route between the rocks at the top, and then to the exit of the bowl, from there head north east back to the 2092m point. From there head back down the way you came up by picking a line through the trees. To the west of the accent route is an open gully, (you should see it on the way up), and this can be a good ski down, but narrows at the bottom.