This is a great little run in the trees. It is possible to go higher than mentioned in this guide and it is obvious where to go, but that’s above the tree line and I find it best to do this as a tree run when the snow conditions warrant that. You do need good snow cover as it skis all the way down to Vallouise (1185m). I have done this route and found wide open spaces in the trees, then done it again and come up against tightly placed trees and shrubs, especially at the bottom, so use your experience and look for the open spacing in the trees.
You will also need a second car or to hitch.
From the parking cross the road (leading to PSV 1600) and take the snow-covered road towards Narreyroux (east). Follow this until the first sharp left bend.
From this point take a narrow track straight ahead which cuts out the extra road section, eventually zigzagging back up to it. At the road turn right (south-west) and follow it for a short way to reach a bridge. Straight after the bridge turn left (south-west) up the side of the stream. After only a few metres turn right (north) and go through some trees, then move up through open sections trending right (north-west) to join the road again at the few houses known as Sousteyran. From there leave the road again and go behind the houses (to their right) heading up to the tree line. From here go straight up (south-west) and trend slightly left via zigzags until you reach a broad ridge, which you follow. As you come to the top of the ridge the valley on the left opens out and you can see down the Narreyroux valley. Keep going a short way and then bear right (west) to the last few trees before the slope opens up.
Dropping down into the opposite valley to Narreyroux to head for Vallouise (north-east) offers different lines. I have dropped in from lots of different starting points on this ridge and had great skiing. Keep a look out for where the trees are open; as you get near the bottom they will start to tighten up. If you head for a section of the Vallouise ski de fond track that starts to rise through the woods this will allow a clear run back to Vallouise; if you miss this track it could be a bit of a bush bash.