From the parking at the ski centre, follow the pistes or cut through them towards the hamlet of La Riaille. Here head east following a tight gully with a torrent winding through it. Continue though the gully until it starts to flatten out into the Vallon d’Albert.
Follow the valley floor SE for quite a way, as you come to the end you will see a craggy high point and the valley splits in two. The summit is just out of sight behind the crag.
You can go around either side to get there and do a round trip or up and down the same side. We went up the left route towards Le Col Allonge and then traversed to the summit and came down the same way.
Head down whichever side you like back to the Vallon d’Albert. Ski back down the valley, pick the best line to avoid ending up in a flat section. The tight gully can be a fun ski but is normally very tracked out. From La Raillie you can pick up a piste back to the parking.